Unity - Q&A
Why are we going through this change?
We are going through this change to ease communication, (remote) collaboration, and access to information within the company by migrating the local Office 365 environment to a single global idverde Office 365 environment.
What are the benefits for me personally?
For you personally, improved communication and (remote) collaboration will result in higher efficiency and productivity while saving your valuable time. It will be also easier for you to access company-wide information and benefit from company discussions and knowledge transfer.
What will change exactly?
In Germany-Seidenspinner, this migration is covering Teams,Outlook, OneDrive,SharePoint, OneNote.
Once the migration is completed, in the new idverde account you will have access to the same environment as before.
Will my email address change?
No, your email address will remain the same as before the migration.
Will I receive new credentials?
No, your username and password will remain the same. Please note that you must reconnect (one-time-login) to Office 365 to access to your new idverde environment. This might happen as soon as you open the first Office application i.e., Outlook, Word, Power Point or Excel.
What will happen to my email address?
Your email address will remain the same as before the migration.
Will my emails / email history be available after migration?
Yes, your emails, email folders and email history will be available after migration.
Will the meetings in my calendar be included in my new mailbox?
Yes, they will be available after migration. However, please check your invitations (especially recurring meeting invitations). We recommend to setup all single and recurring meeting invitations in the new idverde environment again. In case you do this, please make sure that you delete the first meeting invitations, to ensure no” double” invitations.
Please keep in mind that you will also need to resend meeting links as they cannot work sometimes.
Will the migration cause any possible email delays?
This is possible, especially in the first days after migration. If this happens, please re-send the email and check with the recipient (for example via Teams chat or phone) if the email arrives.
Will Outlook out-of-office replies be migrated?
No, they need to be re-setup in the idverde environment again.
What happens if I used email categories?
If you have set up categories, they are not migrated. However, re-assignment of categories to emails once categories are re-setup will take place automatically.
I work with my team on documents that are shared in Microsoft Teams and / or related SharePoint sites. Will I still have access to those documents?
Documents that are currently stored in the local Teams and / or SharePoint space will be migrated to the new idverde Teams or SharePoint.
Will my documents on my personal OneDrive be migrated?
No, please note that your personal OneDrive will be migrated.